If a course requires you to have a short discussion before enrolling;
Complete the google form through the ‘make an enquiry’ button on the course you’re interested in
You will then have the chat over the phone or via email with the course tutor
Once the tutor has confirmed the course is appropriate for you our Enrolments team will send you a link via email to enrol and evidence your eligibility for fee reduction (if needed) with the relevant documents
Pop into the enrolments office so we can verify your photo ID and address, take your picture and provide you with your official Shipley College ID badge along with your enrolment confirmation!
If a course requires you to complete an assessment before enrolling;
Complete the google form through the ‘make an enquiry’ button on the course you’re interested in
You will then receive an email the following morning with a link to the relevant assessment to determine the level you are currently working at. Complete and submit the assessment as soon as you can
Once your assessment has been marked, our Enrolments team will send you a link via email to enrol on the right level and evidence your eligibility for fee reduction (if needed) with the relevant documents
Pop into the enrolments office so we can verify your photo ID and address, take your picture and provide you with your official Shipley College ID badge along with your enrolment confirmation!
If there is no fee reduction available (enrolling on a full cost course);
You can apply online through the ‘Enrol Now’ button under the course you're interested in
This will take you to our online enrolment system, adding the course to your basket. You'll then be asked for a few details
Once you have completed these details, someone from our Enrolments team will be in touch the next day to take payment over the phone
Pop into the enrolments office so we can verify your photo ID and address, take your picture and provide you with your official Shipley College ID badge along with your enrolment confirmation!