Learn to Sing


Join our Learn to Sing course at Shipley College, designed for individuals who enjoy singing and want to develop their vocal skills in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Our class welcomes everyone, from beginners to experienced singers, and covers a range of skills including effective warm-up techniques, the physicality of singing, singing for performance, singing with harmonies, improvisation, songwriting, and more. With a variety of genres including gospel, pop, rock, folk, and musical theatre, our upbeat and lively class provides a fun and engaging way to improve your singing and performance abilities.

All students are encouraged to make song suggestions, making the course even more personalized to your interests and goals. By enrolling in this course, you'll not only gain new vocal skills but also have the potential to pursue a career in the music industry.

Unlock your singing potential on our Learn to Sing course at Shipley College!

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Online Enrolment Services
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