DSLR Photography & Photo Manipulation - Beginners



"Learn Photography - Intermediate is the perfect course for those who want to take their photography skills to the next level. This class is ideal for those with some camera experience or students who want to progress from the beginners' level. Over the course of several weeks, you'll learn lighting techniques, different subject matters, and further develop your Photoshop and Lightroom skills. The aim is to enable you to create technically sound and creative imagery that showcases your skills.

Please note that this course is not suitable for digital compact cameras or bridge cameras. Basic computer knowledge is essential for this course. You will need to bring your own DSLR camera and instruction booklet, as well as a flash drive.

By completing this course, you will develop the knowledge and skills required to produce high-quality photographs with a professional edge. You'll be able to use your photography skills both personally and professionally, and open up new career opportunities in photography."

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