As a small, friendly college, we are a popular choice with school leavers because of the support we give.
Located in the centre of Saltaire Village, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, we have a safe and unique environment that is easily accessible by bus, train, and car. Find out more about our wonderful surroundings on our Saltaire page.
We value your interest as a parent or carer, whether helping your child find the right course
or encouraging them in their development.
Our Student Services Team is a key point of contact for parents - if you have any questions you can contact them directly at studentservices@shipley.ac.uk or 01274 327281.
Student Services also provide workshops, every lunchtime during term time, that your child can attend for advice on jobs and apprenticeships, general careers advice, help with applications or interviews, and support with a UCAS application.
Alongside their studies, our students can also get involved in a range of additional activities, clubs, fundraising, and volunteering opportunities. They can learn new skills, develop confidence, and make new friends.
Our students gain the qualifications and skills to progress in their futures and 92% of full-timers progress into further study or work. To find out more about the college, see About Us.

We place great importance on supporting young people through each stage of their College life.
- We are a small, friendly College, easy to get to by bus and train
- We have a consistently high student satisfaction rate, offering pastoral support and career guidance
- We have tutors with years of practical industry experience, meaning students get an insider's look into the subject area
- We have a six weekly review process to ensure that our students are on track at all stages
- We offer lots of enrichment activities for students to get involved in which helps them develop and grow as individuals
- You receive a report on their progress on a full-time course after the Autumn and Spring terms finish. For apprentices, progress reports will be sent to their employer but you can contact their tutor for an update.
There is useful further information elsewhere on the website - please have a look at important information for students, student life at Shipley College, our careers service and student services pages.
Shipley College is proud of our inclusive community. We aim to ensure that all young people who come here achieve their potential, regardless of their individual needs.
The College is committed to supporting the learning of all students. The Additional Learning Support (ALS) team offers extra assistance, help and advice to students who require particular support to ensure they can access their chosen course and make progress.
Contact the ALS team at sendadmin@shipley.ac.uk for more information, visit our Additional Learning Support page, and see our information on the Local Offer.

We have a range of support available including for meals and travel, depending on your circumstances. Just contact our friendly and knowledgeable Student Services team to find out what is available to you - studentservices@shipley.ac.uk or 01274 327281
Safeguarding is the way that we promote wellbeing for young people, and help keep them safe. The College prides itself on our safeguarding measures. If you have a concern, raise it with any member of staff and we will deal appropriately and sensitively with the issue. You can find more information in Policies and Procedures.
If you have any further questions, please leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Ofsted - The Big Listen – we want to hear your views!
The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is carrying out a short survey on behalf of Ofsted. We want to hear from parents/carers of children who are under 18 years old. It should only take around 10 minutes to complete. We are interested in views of Ofsted, including Ofsted’s inspection, regulation and reporting practices. We really want to hear from a wide range of parents and carers, even if you don’t have strong opinions about Ofsted, or haven’t had much experience of Ofsted.
Please click on the following link to find out more or take part in the survey: